Jen Johnson
Founder, President, and CEO
Jen Johnson is a proud single mom of twin boys, Gabriel and Kyle. Gabriel was born with a heart defect called Tricuspid Atresia and has also been diagnosed with Auditory Processing Disorder and ADHD. Additionally, Gabriel has difficulty with fine motor skills and struggles with sensory avoidance. Kyle has been diagnosed with several behavioral and Developmental health illnesses including Autism, Bipolar Disorder. Previous diagnosis have included ADHD, DMDD, Anxiety, and Sensory Processing Disorder. Jen understands the struggle parents face trying to ensure their children receive all of the services they need while balancing time, energy, and budget, running between therapist, pediatric specialist, pediatricians, IEP meetings, and providing social opportunities for children.
Jen holds a Bachelor of Business Administration from Boise State University and a Masters of Business Administration from Florida Atlantic University. Additionally, Jen is certified as a Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR) and holds the Society of Human Resources certification as a Senior Certified Professional (SHRM-SCP).
Prior to opening The Sensory Playce, Jen spent her professional career working in the areas of Human Resources, Marketing, Accounting, and Finance, including roles on Executive Management Teams and Boards of Directors. Jen is a 2014 Idaho Business Review Woman of The Year Honoree. Jen enjoys volunteering in the community, having volunteered with Big Brothers Big Sisters of SW Idaho, Ronald McDonald House, Idaho Food Bank, Rake-up Boise, as well as sitting on numerous church and non-profit boards, including serving as the 2014-2015 President and 2015-2016 Chair of the Board for the Junior League of Boise.
Jen currently serves on the Board of Directors for Idaho Parents Unlimited and currently serves on the Idaho Developmental Disabilities Council.
Jen brings her passion for family and community, as well as a strong business background, to the development and operations of The Sensory Playce.